Paul Martin

Ingeniero químico y experto en Desarrollo de Procesos

Paul Martin es un ingeniero químico con 30 años de experiencia en la fabricación y el uso de hidrógeno y gas de síntesis. Es un experto en el desarrollo de procesos y tiene una amplia experiencia en la industria de procesos químicos, gestionando clientes internacionales a través de su consultora privada Spitfire Research. Cuenta con 25 años de experiencia trabajando para el principal diseñador y constructor del mundo de plantas a escala piloto y de demostración para la industria de procesos químicos. También es un ecologista de toda la vida y defensor de la descarbonización. Es licenciado y tiene un máster en Ingeniería Química por la Universidad de Waterloo. Paul participa regularmente como ponente invitado en debates sobre el hidrógeno en los medios de comunicación.

Área de especialización en hidrógeno: Combinación de hidrógeno con gas natural, producción de hidrógeno, transporte de hidrógeno, hidrógeno gris.


Escrito por Paul Martin

¿Pueden los electrolizadores del futuro resolver el problema de eficiencia del hidrógeno?

Paul Martin, ingeniero químico y experto en desarrollo de procesos, investiga si los nuevos avances en electrólisis pueden superar el mayor reto del hidrógeno verde

Paul Martin en los medios

The Globe and Mail

Opinion: Dreams of Canada-EU hydrogen trade are a sinking ship

Plans to trade Canadian hydrogen with Germany are riddled with hurdles – but it’s not too late for Canada to instead decarbonise its existing hydrogen industry as an achievable priority, write Paul Martin and Jochen Bard.

BNN Bloomberg

Odds of finding economically-viable natural hydrogen deposit look slim: Hydrogen Science Coalition

Natural hydrogen would present a very welcome opportunity to decarbonize current-day hydrogen production, but the situation doesn’t look promising, says Paul Martin, founding member of the Hydrogen Science Coalition.

20 minutos

España se plantea el futuro de sus joyas energéticas: adaptar las regasificadoras al hidrógeno ante un panorama con menos gas

“Conlleva muchos retos técnicos, de seguridad y económicos”, explica Paul Martin, ingeniero químico y confundador de la Hydrogen Science Coalition.

National Observer

We need to better understand hydrogen pros and pitfalls

Hydrogen production is touted by the Canadian government and others around the world as a clean alternative to fossil fuel use, but climate-impact assessments are vulnerable to miscalculations, according to new research by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).

La Presse

TES Canada : un appel à la transparence

Est-ce que le projet offre la meilleure utilisation de nos ressources énergétiques pour assurer un « Québec plus vert et plus prospère » ? Nous tentons d’y répondre.


What can we expect from clean hydrogen in Canada?

The industry is earning international interest, but some suggest expectations should be tempered.

The Times

Hydrogen cars were the future once – might they be again?

The clean energy gathered steam in the seventies, but after many false starts a mass market is yet to materialise.

Le Devoir

Transporter de l’hydrogène jusqu’en Allemagne implique de coûteuses pertes

Le chancelier allemand, Olaf Scholz, est reparti du Canada avec la promesse que son pays obtiendrait des livraisons d’hydrogène dès 2025. Or, transporter ce carburant sur une aussi grande distance implique des pertes énergétiques qui rendent cette idée non viable, estiment des spécialistes.

Le Devoir

Le gaz naturel liquéfié canadien ne serait pas une solution à la crise européenne

À la veille de la visite du chancelier allemand au pays, des scientifiques, des experts juridiques et des environnementalistes mettent en garde la population que les projets d’exportation de gaz naturel vers l’Allemagne nuiraient aux engagements climatiques du Canada et ne constituent pas une solution à la crise énergétique en Europe.

BNN Bloomberg

We cannot repurpose LNG infrastructure for hydrogen exports: Chemical engineer

Paul Martin, chemical engineer, and co-founder of the Hydrogen Science Coalition, joins BNN Bloomberg’s Jacqueline Hansen to discuss the possibility of repurposing LNG infrastructure for hydrogen exports.

The Globe and Mail

Repurposing LNG infrastructure for hydrogen exports is not realistic

Canada’s dash to build new LNG infrastructure to export hydrogen is scientifically baseless and risks locking itself and Germany into a fossil fuel dependency.

energy monitor

Namibia stakes its future on the green hydrogen market

Namibia, a country of abundant wind and sun, has ambitions to be one of Africa’s first green hydrogen export hubs.


Hydrogen power is gaining momentum, but critics say it’s neither efficient nor green enough

Pursuing green hydrogen as a fuel source is not the best solution for combatting climate change because it’s inefficient and is often created with carbon-emitting energy sources.

El Confidencial

Cuidado, no todo es ‘happy’ en el futuro del hidrógeno verde

Nace una coalición de expertos para velar por un futuro del hidrógeno basado en la ciencia y no en intereses particulares de empresas o gobiernos.


New cadre aims to ‘bring concrete evidence back into H2 debate, free from industry bias’

An independent expert group of scientists, academics and engineers has today launched a new advisory body — the Hydrogen Science Coalition (HSC) — that aims to bring “concrete evidence back into the hydrogen debate, free from industry bias”.

H2 View

‘World’s first’ hydrogen coalition launched with plans to support governments with integrating hydrogen technologies

The “world’s first” independent coalition on hydrogen’s role in the energy transition has been launched today (Dec 9). Dubbed the Hydrogen Science Coalition, the group is a voluntary coalition of experts and aims to provide recommendations for governments to integrate hydrogen technologies in the best way possible.


‘Hydrogen for heating and road transport is not efficient and does not make economic sense’

A group of concerned scientists write an open letter to the UK government to warn of the inefficiencies and added expense of using H2 in sectors where electric alternatives are cheaper.

The Independent

Scientists ‘concerned’ over government plans for hydrogen home heating

Letter to prime minister says government should take a cautious approach to fossil-fuel based ‘blue hydrogen’, Daisy Dunne reports.


Hydrogen: Gamechanger or Overhyped?

Governments across the globe have bet big on hydrogen, making it the “rockstar of the energy system” and a leading solution to decarbonize hard to abate sectors. But, with costs of low carbon and green hydrogen remaining high, huge infrastructure needs, and efficiency concerns, is the hype merited?

Reuters Events: tune into hour-long panel debate Hydrogen: Gamechanger or Overhyped?