Tom Baxter

Profesor visitante de la Universidad de Strathclyde (Reino Unido) y antiguo ingeniero de BP

Tom Baxter es un ingeniero químico que lleva 40 años trabajando en la industria del petróleo y del gas. Tom se graduó en la Universidad de Strathclyde (Reino Unido) en 1975 con una licenciatura en Ingeniería Química (con matrícula de honor) y es miembro del IChemE. Comenzó su carrera en ICI Petrochemicals. Se pasó a la química fina en la empresa suiza Ciba-Geigy antes de ocupar un puesto de ingeniero de procesos en British National Oil Corporation (BNOC) en 1980. A través de la privatización y adquisiciones, BNOC se convirtió en Britoil y luego en BP. Aquí trabajó como ingeniero de operaciones, ingeniero de desarrollo y director de investigación.

En 1991 dejó BP y se incorporó a Altra Consultants como director técnico. En 1998 aceptó un puesto de director técnico en Genesis y en 2005 se convirtió en director de la Unidad de Negocio de Aberdeen. Volvió a su función de director técnico en 2010, junto con un puesto de investigador principal en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Aberdeen, el cual ayudó a crear. Desde 2003 es profesor visitante de ingeniería química en la Universidad de Strathclyde. En la actualidad, es consultor de ingeniería química y aporta su experiencia en materia de energía y reducción de gases de efecto invernadero.

Área de especialización en hidrógeno: Producción de hidrógeno, calefacción doméstica, combinación de hidrógeno con gas natural.


Escrito por Tom Baxter

¿Qué es el hidrógeno azul? ¿Debería sustituir al gas natural?

El hidrógeno azul se promociona a menudo como un combustible bajo en carbono para generar electricidad. Pero, según un nuevo informe, puede no ser mejor para el medioambiente que seguir utilizando gas natural fósil.

Tom Baxter en los medios

Hydrogen Insight

OPINION | The now-scrapped Redcar hydrogen heating trial was a failure of project management and government oversight

How can any future decisions be made on H2 heating when the only remaining UK trial in Fife is not even testing the use of hydrogen in the gas network? asks Tom Baxter.

The Chemical Engineer

Viewpoint: Heating Homes with Hydrogen – a Hazard that Should be Avoided

Tom Baxter’s article “Home Hydrogen: Is it Safe?” generated a lot of interest from the chemical engineering community. Little did he suspect it would see him take part in a public debate on the subject, as a result of Whitby being selected for a domestic hydrogen trial.

Financial Times

Europe pushes ahead with hydrogen pipelines to meet energy demand

Companies aim to transport the gas over long distances as countries cut back on fossil fuels.

The Scotsman

Switch from natural gas to hydrogen for home heating will push more families into fuel poverty, expert warns

Switching to hydrogen as a replacement for climate-polluting natural gas to heat homes will push even more families into fuel poverty, could increase greenhouse gas emissions and make the country more dependent on foreign oil and gas imports, a Scottish academic is warning.


‘So little attention’ | Emissions from current fossil hydrogen production on par with global aviation industry

World should focus more on eliminating CO2 from existing H2 uses than worrying about how it could be used in future, says Hydrogen Science Coalition founder

The Chemical Engineer

Experts concerned about hydrogen plans form independent advisory group

A coalition of volunteer engineers, concerned about the misapplication of hydrogen, have formed a new group to provide independent advice to governments about plans for the hydrogen economy.

bloomberg tv bulgaria

Политиките на ЕС за въглеродна неутралност са слаби

проф. Том Бакстър, гл. лектор в Университета в Абърдийн, “В развитие”, 25.01.2022

El Confidencial

Cuidado, no todo es ‘happy’ en el futuro del hidrógeno verde

Nace una coalición de expertos para velar por un futuro del hidrógeno basado en la ciencia y no en intereses particulares de empresas o gobiernos.


New cadre aims to ‘bring concrete evidence back into H2 debate, free from industry bias’

An independent expert group of scientists, academics and engineers has today launched a new advisory body — the Hydrogen Science Coalition (HSC) — that aims to bring “concrete evidence back into the hydrogen debate, free from industry bias”.

H2 View

‘World’s first’ hydrogen coalition launched with plans to support governments with integrating hydrogen technologies

The “world’s first” independent coalition on hydrogen’s role in the energy transition has been launched today (Dec 9). Dubbed the Hydrogen Science Coalition, the group is a voluntary coalition of experts and aims to provide recommendations for governments to integrate hydrogen technologies in the best way possible.

Sky News

The UK’s quest for net zero: Can carbon capture finally fulfil its promise?

Carbon capture storage offers a vital tool in the the road to net zero but current efforts are dwarfed by the size of the challenge and the UK is littered with pilot projects that fell by the wayside. Can the technology finally fulfil its promise?


‘Hydrogen for heating and road transport is not efficient and does not make economic sense’

A group of concerned scientists write an open letter to the UK government to warn of the inefficiencies and added expense of using H2 in sectors where electric alternatives are cheaper.

The Independent

Scientists ‘concerned’ over government plans for hydrogen home heating

Letter to prime minister says government should take a cautious approach to fossil-fuel based ‘blue hydrogen’, Daisy Dunne reports.

Wall Street Journal

Big Oil Companies Push Hydrogen as Green Alternative, but Obstacles Remain

Big oil companies have long touted hydrogen energy as a way to reduce carbon emissions. Now they are grappling with how to make that a reality.